Emissaries of the Miraculous
What is an Emissary?
An emissary is often a person who is sent somewhere in order to act as a representative. The key in that sentence is sent; emissary derives from Latin emissus, the past participle of the verb emittere, meaning "to send out."
We as emissaries for Mother Mary are people who want to step out and share her messages of oneness, grace and healing with the world. This is an honor and privilege we take deeply to heart.
Anyone may become an Emissary of the Miraculous and share in all its privileges and benefits.
Benefits of a Member
You receive a membership card and a certificate from the association.
All members receive a Miraculous Metal
Members are included in a Monthly prayer session.
You will receive inspiration given by Mary to open your heart.
Special discounts to events, retreats, and sacred pilgrimages and on classes
Once you become a member you have the option to receive:
Our monthly newsletter
Prayer requests to remember your special intentions.
Blessings and prayer materials
We ask that you please consider becoming a Promoter for the Emissaries and letting others know about our group and share Mother Mary’s intentions.