2024 -2025 Events
Power By the Hour - Intro Class
June 21st 1:00pm-5:00 Sedona AZ -

Lianna Leigh: This class is about freeing ourselves from the hidden negative thoughts and emotions that have been guiding our lives. The thoughts/emotions that cause us destress, anger, fear, sickness when brought to the light can no longer hold us in bondage. This class gives us the tools to be set free to live a life of hope, peace and love.
Call for more information. 360-734-0311
statue of man on green grass field under blue sky during daytime
statue of man on green grass field under blue sky during daytime
Angelic Communions and The Essenes
April 2025, Unity of Verde Valley 1:00pm -3:00 pm - Cottonwood AZ $35.00
Robin Rose & Lianna Leigh
This class is an introduction to the Holy Communions of the angels in accord with the ancient Essene practices. It will cover:
The Wisdom of One- the Path Oneness in Christ
Daily Angelic communions
Prayers and meditations

Food and Diet to rejuvenate the body as the Holy temple of God
How Mother Mary connects to the angels. And more...
two angel statues
two angel statues
an abstract image of a blue bird with wings
an abstract image of a blue bird with wings
Essene Ancient Wisdom Training 3-day - TBA - $799
Lianna Leigh & Robin Rose - Sedona, AZ

In this intensive 3-day workshop Lianna and Robin bring us deeper into the life and wisdom of the Essenes and their path to enlightenment. Both Mother Mary and Yeshua having been raised in the Essene community walked a path designed to prepare them to become the Anointed beings to bring the message of God and our Oneness with love to the planet.

We too can live this path and in this 3-day retreat we will immerse ourselves in the Essenes ancient ways as well as the Christ ways Yeshua taught. Be ready to grow, release and feel the presence of God as we move deeper toward enlightenment with other desiring Oneness of all things.

We will learn and experience:
Morning and evening Communions
Ancient wisdom teachings of renewal
In depth information on food and diet

Prayers and meditation with Mary and Yeshua
Training in the Holy Streams of God

Morning Movement sessions
How the elements enhance our daily lives

And more.

Miraculous Power of the Hebrew Alphabet - TBA
Lianna Leigh & Robin Rose - Sedona, AZ

Miraculous encodings of Light, Wisdom, and Healing are in every letter of the Hebrew language. Included in this book are: 22 Hebrew letters with their mystical meanings and The 16 names and attributes of Yahweh. Each letter is encoded with Celestial frequencies as they contain living libraries of intelligence and healing for our life.