There are classes and training courses throughout the year, along with several 3-day retreats and sacred sites retreats usually 7-10 day abroad. Trips include Lourdes France, Glastonbury England, Hawaii and site around the US. Classes and trainings are done both in person and via Zoom or Tele courses.
WINTER 2023 -2024
Expanding Your God Given Attributes
Enneagram Class with Linda Leigh Johnson
January 17th - 1:00 pm Cottonwood Unity Church - Contact Phone: 360-734-0311
February 9-10 - Creating Your Life - Create the Life Your Heart Truly Desires - Robin Rose
Robin Rose will be sharing Messages from Mother Mary on understanding and accepting our authority as Gods children.
Center for Spiritual Living Ft. Lauderdale 4849 Dixie Highway Oakland Park, FL 33334
Click here for more Information,
Our mission
We're on a mission to help people know who they are as Spiritual Beings and to bring the messages of Mother Mary to the world. Her messages include the understanding and acceptance of grace in our lives and the undoing of human beliefs so that we can birth in the Christ for all. She sets us up to be "healers" and to ignite the Kingdom of God within us.
Our vision
We want to live in a world where people know they are loved, know their power as a spiritual beings, and live in grace. We want to be mirrors of God’s love. We want His kindness, mercy, and patience to reign in our thoughts, our affections, our words, and actions every day.