Today I received tremendous news about a dear friend who was recently diagnosed with 3 growths in his head. We took this concern to God and asked for guidance on what steps to take to bring about his healing. Linda and I spend much time in the presence of The Mother also for guidance. She said what she always said to us and that is “there is only One Power and that is God, look to Him, keep your eyes upon Him only.” Focusing upon this everyday along with the special insights God gave us and his family and we got the news we hoped for.
Our friend went to the doctor today to go over the MRI report only for the doctors to be confused as 2 of the growths have disappeared. She said she had no explanation, but we knew exactly what happened, God, God did all he said he would. We stood strong in our faith and upon all God told us and he is well.
I am so in love with God and his promises to us, and thankful to Mother Mary for continuing guidance and support when we need her. R. Rose 10/23

On the island of Oahu, in a Russian orthodox church, there is an Icon of Mother Mary dripping myrrh. This myrrh has wonderful healing power and people from around the world go there to witness this incredible miracle. I received the oil on a small bit of cotton and placed it on my heart. There was a calmness that overtook me. I do not have the words to explain the peace that I have each time I place the oil upon me. Linda and I have been planning a sacred journey to the island to experience the icon and other Mother Mary experiences. If you want to be a part of that get on the mailing list for dates.
Here is the website: Holy Icon